一名特斯拉粉丝在Twitter上直指加州州议员Lorena Gonzalez对马斯克爆粗口是马斯克决定把特斯拉公司总部搬到德州的另一个主要原因。
“This decision has a strong financial rationale, it also follows after a member of the California legislature publicly used obscene language towards Musk in May 2020."
事情是这样的,2020年5月,Gonzalez发了一条推文:“ F**k Elon Musk.” 当时马斯克对Gonzalez的辱骂回了一条推文:“message received."
Gonzalez低估了马斯克的愤怒、任性、决心和能量,她爽了一下嘴,却让加州失去了一家伟大的公司。特斯拉现在的市值约$800 billion,Gonzalez一个粗口,让加州人民付出8000亿的代价。
面对她“把企业赶出加州的”的批评声音,Gonzalez 继续嘴硬,发推说:"You mean Elon Musk is such a snowflake he moved from California because I said a censored bad word about him? Wow, isn't that weak."
特别想知道如果有人发推 fudge 一下Gonzalez,她会是什么反应?会不会秒变米兔?
另一件与特斯拉有关的事情。今年8月拜登总统邀请GM, Ford, Chrysler参加在白宫举行的电动车高峰会,异常引人注目地没有邀请电动车龙头特斯拉。马斯克事后抨击道:
"You know, Biden held this EV summit, didn't invite Tesla,"……"Invited GM, Ford, Chrysler, and UAW. An EV summit on the White House! Didn't mention Tesla once, and praised GM and Ford for leading the EV revolution. Does this sound maybe a little biased or something? And you know, just, it's not the friendliest administration. Seems to be controlled by unions as far as I can tell."